Marjorie Slooff
Artist and Teacher

Welcome to my Website
It will show you around through my passion, art and how I put this into the world.
The creating of sculptures and teaching all 3 -d techniques are both valuable to me.
Its great to dive into my own world and create. And its lovely to show others
a way to grow and learn about materials, techniques and make sculptures.
To make big artworks for exhibitions is a nice challenge and to participate in
landart projects is wonderfull to do.
Nature is a big inspiration, as is human life with all of its themes .
Like growth, dance, evolution, life and death.
By now I also make smaller works, take commissions and by doing so
spread some beauty and meaning into the world.
Below you can find the four fields where I like to create most and that also describe my life.
Playing with space
Endless Possibilities
Ceramics & Bronze